Year that is... hard to believe that 2011 is here, could someone please tell me what happened to 2010 cause it went by way too fast!!
Lots of things happened in 2010...
some of the good things....
I made my 1st ever scrapbook Design Team, thanks TwoChicks!!!
My sister-in-law found out she was pregnant with TWINS!!!
One of my best friends also found out she was pregnant, OMG, since she has a 12 year old!!!
and some of the bad...
a friend is still battling cancer, another lost her dad to it, another friend was shocked by divorce
All in all 2010 was a good year, I didn't do all I planned/wanted but hopefully I can change that with 2011.
Being a scrapbooker, there are lots of ideas on how to document the year, some are to take a picture everday, which for me is just too daunting of a task and somewhat takes the fun out of why I scrapbook, another is to pick a word for the year and let it be your focus for the year, and that is what I am doing.
My word(s) for 2011 are FOCUS and DETERMINATION. Focus is pretty obvious I need to focus on me and the things around me, God, family and friends and then Determination follows right along with that so I can actually get these things accomplished.
- I want to FOCUS on my walk with God, many of you know that David and I started going to a new church and while we enjoy going we haven't made the commitment of changing our membership and I think that needs to happen for me/us to fully commit and focus on my/our relationship with God and truly get involved with church activities that will help strengthen that walk.
- I want to FOCUS on my health, I had really hoped that I would have lost 40 lbs by the time I turned 40 in August, but I just didn't FOCUS on getting it done. I want to FOCUS on healthier eating and have the DETERMINATION to stick with an exercise plan for more than a few weeks.
- I want to FOCUS on our financial situation and be rid of credit card debt once and for all. I want to have the DETERMINATION to stick to a budget and not waver when I see those cute shoes or those scrappy supplies so we can dig out of the hole and truly be able to enjoy life.
I can keep listing because there are several places I need to have more FOCUS in my life, but no need to bore you, but think about what word you would pick and let's see where we are this time next year!!
Here's to a New Year and all the happiness that it can bring!!!